Program Year

UE Obligatoires

  • Pré-rentrée L3 Mathématiques
  • Intégrale de Lebesgue et probabilités
  • Calcul différentiel et optimisation
  • Statistical modelling

UE de parcours

  • Produits dérivés et gestion des risques
  • Anglais 5

UE Optionnelles

  • Analyse complexe
  • Microéconomie : concurrence imparfaite

UE Obligatoires

  • Statistique mathématique
  • Differential equations
  • Analyse fonctionnelle et analyse hilbertienne
  • Méthodes numériques : optimisation

UE de parcours

  • Économie dans l’incertain
  • Anglais 6

UE Optionnelles

  • Théorie des jeux
  • Programmation linéaire

UE Optionnelles

  • Grands enjeux contemporains
  • Espagnol 5&6
  • Allemand 5&6
  • Sport 5&6

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The course starts in September, and attendance is required. The third year of the Dauphine-Licence Mathématiques-Economie-Finance-Actuariat major is open by right to students who have completed the Mathématiques-Economie course in the second year of the Licence MIDO.   The program is organized into semesters 5 and 6. Semester 5 comprises 30 ECTS, including 24 ECTS from the fundamental block, 2 ECTS from major UEs and 4 ECTS to be chosen as optional UEs (subject to timetable compatibility). Semester 6 comprises 30 ECTS including 16 ECTS from the fundamental block, 10 ECTS from major courses and 4 ECTS to be chosen from optional courses (subject to timetable compatibility).

Internships and Supervised Projects

Internship not required. The internship is closely related to the student’s studies and to their personal and professional goals. It is a highly recommended element of the curriculum.