
Enseignements obligatoires du 1er semestre

  • Comptabilité et information financière
  • Droit économique des affaires
  • Anglais
  • Les outils informatiques du manager
  • Aspects économiques de la mondialisation
  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Mathématiques et aide à la décision
  • Droit du travail
  • Anglais / TOEIC

Enseignements obligatoires du 2ème semestre

  • Psychosociologie des organisations
  • Finance d'entreprise
  • Fondamentaux du marketing
  • Fiscalité des entreprises
  • Gestion des ressources humaines
  • Apprentissage
  • Jeu d'entreprise
  • Stratégie
  • Communication et gestion de projet


  • Initiation à l'art
  • Espagnol

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The first year of the Magistère in Management Sciences provides students with an opportunity to gain a solid foundation in management fundamentals, including law, accounting, management control, strategy, marketing, economics, finance, computer science, and HR management.

An apprenticeship of three days a week in a business allows students to specialize in one of these areas.

Social and cultural activities such as art history lessons, guided projects, and study trips are also provided.
Classes and tutorials are held in person in groups of 30, except in Spanish, where classes are divided into two different levels.
Classes begin at the end of August and end in mid-June. The apprenticeship contract runs through July 31. A student is assessed on their apprenticeship via the production of a skills booklet.

Once they have passed this year, students will have earned the Bachelor’s degree in Management and Organizational Management and, as long as they have not received a grade lower than 10 for any course, can continue on to the Master’s element of the Magistère without having to reapply.