Accounting – Control – Auditing (CCA): Master's Year 2

Program Objectives

The Accounting, Control, and Auditing program trains future executives for careers in auditing, accounting, finance, financial advice, and management control. The program helps students develop the technical conceptualization skills necessary to the accounting and financial disciplines. The approach helps them gain a deeper understanding of the organizational, economic, and social challenges and consequences wrought by the evolution of these disciplines and broaden their skillsets in order to gain a more holistic understanding.

Program objectives:

  • Learn the basics of accounting, finance, auditing, management control, accounting information systems, and organizational management;
  • Become confident in spoken and written English and benefit from international professional opportunities;
  • Become expert in information and communication technologies for education
  • Lead to careers in the following professions: external or internal auditor, mergers and acquisitions consulting, business consulting, accounting and financial management collaborator, risk-manager, accountancy and statutory audit professions, management controller
Types of education
Initial training
Work-based training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
24 weeks
No work-based training
Type of Diploma
National diploma
Academic Year


  • Bruno Oxibar

    Assistant Professor - Graduate in accounting

    Director of the 2nd year of the Master's degree

  • Stéphanie VIELLARD

    Teaching assistant - Work-based training

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  • Sophia TARQUIN

    Teaching assistant - Initial training

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The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization

After Dauphine

Employability Indicators After Graduation - Survey Conducted in Collaboration with CGE

- 1 Month

job hunting's average duration

97,7 %

Professional integration rate


Median salary