European and International Business Law - 240 - Master's Year 2



Semestre à Dauphine

  • BHR et droits fondamentaux de l'entreprise
  • International Dispute resolution
  • International Court Proceedings and National Courts
  • Workshop Contract drafting/MOOT court*
  • Droit comparé des affaires
  • Comparative contract law
  • International contracts
  • Droit des investissements internationaux
  • Arbitrage d'investissement
  • Trajectoire recherche
  • Stage (dont rapport de stage)

Semestre à l'étranger

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

Le parcours représente 345 heures d’enseignement, réparties entre début septembre et fin mars.

The program consists of 345 hours of instruction, spread out between September and the end of March.

More than half of the courses are taught in English in order to acclimate the cohort to the most commonly used language in business. As the international business world does not distinguish between private and public law, nor do we.

For the spring semester, some students may elect to study abroad at one of Dauphine’s partner universities. Students are also encourage to participate in major events such as the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.

Internships and Supervised Projects

After January, students must undertake an internship of least three months’ duration in France or abroad.