Energy, Finance, Carbon - 129/288 - Master's Year 2


Obligatoire - 30 ECTS

  • Energy and environmental economics
  • Economics of climate change
  • Emperical Modeling of Electricity and Gas Markets
  • Geopolitics of energy
  • Green Finance : Market Finance and Project Financing
  • Économie : remise à niveau

Obligatoire - 6 ECTS

  • Mémoire

Optionnel - 24 ECTS

  • Interaction entre marchés de l'énergie et du carbone
  • Villes durables et systèmes de transport
  • Economie et finance du marché du gaz (en anglais)
  • Economie et finance du pétrole
  • Politiques de l'énergie (en anglais)
  • Géopolitique des marchés de l'énergie
  • Dérivés énergétiques
  • Economie du secteur de l'électricité
  • Global Climate Finance
  • Energies renouvelables
  • Économie Industrielle des matières premières
  • Régulation des industries du gaz et de l’électricité
  • Efficacité Energétique
  • Econometrics
  • Evaluation des risques et analyse d'investissement dans les marchés de l'énergie

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Obligatoire - 30 ECTS

  • Energy and environmental economics
  • Economics of climate change
  • Emperical Modeling of Electricity and Gas Markets
  • Geopolitics of energy
  • Green Finance : Market Finance and Project Financing
  • Économie : remise à niveau

Obligatoire - 6 ECTS

  • Mémoire

Optionnel - 24 ECTS

  • Interaction entre marchés de l'énergie et du carbone
  • Villes durables et systèmes de transport
  • Economie et finance du marché du gaz (en anglais)
  • Economie et finance du pétrole
  • Politiques de l'énergie (en anglais)
  • Géopolitique des marchés de l'énergie
  • Dérivés énergétiques
  • Economie du secteur de l'électricité
  • Global Climate Finance
  • Energies renouvelables
  • Économie Industrielle des matières premières
  • Régulation des industries du gaz et de l’électricité
  • Efficacité Energétique
  • Econometrics
  • Evaluation des risques et analyse d'investissement dans les marchés de l'énergie

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of 400 hours of instruction, spread out between September and March.

  • Small cohort size, teaching in French or in English
  • Students on the professional track must complete an internship of at three-six months' duration beginning as early as April.
  • The internship is optional for students on the research track.
  • Students in both tracks must produce a thesis.
  • The program can be taken as continuing education, but the curriculum must be followed exactly as prescribed.

This program offers:

  • Two initial training tracks: professional and research. The professional track usually has a cohort of 20 students; the research track has around 12.
  • A research track has a few additional features:
  • The second year of the Research master's is a national diploma (DN)
  • Options for the research track: at least four of the eight
  • A connection to CGEMP doctoral students who took the second year research Master's program
  • A connection to the three research chairs
  • Instructors with extensive experience advising dissertators

There is also a continuing education option alongside the initial training program. The program is aimed both at professionals who are already working in the energy and carbon sector, but want more theoretical knowledge, and at professionals from other spheres whose career goals include the addition of new skills.
The program's students gain a thorough understanding of the implications of growing financialization and the energy-environment continuum in the context of the development of clean, low-emissions carbon to help combat climate change.
Issues such as these are central to an evolving global economic and financial landscape. The second year of the Energy, Finance, Carbon program gives students the tools and expertise necessary to tackle these new strategic challenges head-on and take action in a national, European, and internatio nal context.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students on the professional track must undertake an internship of between three and six months' duration.
The internship is optional for students on the research track.
It must be connected to the areas of study covered in the program and can take place in France or abroad.

Dedicated team

  • Sophie Meritet

    Co-Director of the 2nd year of the Master's degree, Assistant Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Course: Energy policies

  • Jan-Horst Keppler

    Co-Director of the 2nd year of the Master's degree, University Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Courses: Economics of energy and environment & Économie industrielle approfondie

  • Patrice Geoffron

    University Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Courses: Économie - remise à niveau & Economics of climate change

  • Anna Créti

    University Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Courses: Electricity and gas markets: empirical modeling & Economics and Finance of gas markets

  • Fabien Roques

    Executive Vice President - COMPASS LEXECON

    Course: Risk assessment and investment analysis in energy markets

  • Pierre Noël Giraud

    Professor of economics - Mines ParisTech

    Course: Économie Industrielle des matières premières

  • Stéphanie Monjon

    Associate Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Course: Energies renouvelables

  • Marie Bessec

    Associate Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Course: Econométrie des marchés de l'énergie

  • Olivier Massol

    Economist, IFP Energies Nouvelles

    Course: Economie et finance du marché du gaz

  • Emmanuel Hache

    Economist, IFP Energies Nouvelles

    Course: Economie du pétrole

  • Marie-Claire Aoun

    Economist, Head of Institutional relations - TEREGA

    Course: Géopolitique des marchés de l'énergie

  • Sylvia Beyer

    Senior Energy Policy Analyst - IEA International Energy Agency

    Course: Géopolitique des marchés de l'énergie

  • Frédéric Gonand

    University Professor - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

    Course: Economie et régulation des marchés de l’électricité et du gaz

  • François Boisseleau

    Economist, Regulatory Authorities & Public Affairs - ENGIE

    Course: Economie et régulation des marchés de l’électricité et du gaz

  • Boris Solier

    Associate Professor - Université de Montpellier

    Course: Interaction entre marchés de l'énergie et du carbone

  • Raphaël Trotignon

    Economist, Climate and Energy Center - REXECODE

    Course: Interaction entre marchés de l'énergie et du carbone

  • Fabienne Pehuet

    Strategy & International Development, Energy industry infrastructure

    Course: Economie du secteur de l'électricité et du nucléaire

  • Fabienne Salaun

    Economist, Strategy Department - EDF

    Course: Economie du secteur de l'électricité et du nucléaire