Finance: Companies and Markets (Tunis) Master's Year 2



  • Leadership, team building et Coaching
  • Financement de projet

Enseignements Optionnels (24 ECTS)

  • Banque de financement d'investissement et ingénierie financière
  • Gestion des sociétés d'assurance et Risk Management
  • Applications financières sous Python
  • Gestion de portefeuille
  • Gestion de Trésorerie
  • Finance d'entreprise II
  • Fiscalité et gestion de l'entreprise
  • Audit et Contrôle de gestion
  • Gestion bancaire approfondie et FINTECH
  • International corporate finance


  • Reporting financier en normes IFRS
  • Fusion-acquisition
  • Gestion obligataire et produits de taux d'intérêt


  • English Banking and Insurance Finance
  • Séminaire Métiers de la Finance
  • Séminaire actualité économique


Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The second-year Master's program consists of around 305 hours of courses, spread out over five months. The entire program takes place in Tunis. Some of the courses are taught in English. Students choose between two different tracks: Corporate Finance and Insurance Banks and Financial Markets

The program is largely geared towards professionalization, and includes recruitment workshops (CV writing, particularly in English, and mock interviews), and presentations by financial institutions and firms that give students the opportunity to be recruited on campus.

Students should follow national and international economic news. In a weekly news seminar, students present a review of economic news covered in the press and analyze the major facts and events.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students are required to complete an internship of at least six months' duration in a company in the financial sector, in Tunisia or abroad, in an area directly related to the material taught in the program.

Students defend their internship report in front of a review panel, who will assess its academic and practical merit.