Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - 127 - Master’s Year 2


Obligatoire - 27 ECTS

  • Deconstructing Collective Violence
  • Data, risks and conflicts
  • Éthique et déontologie en milieu académique
  • Méthodologie de la démonstration
  • Humanitarian Logistics
  • Négociation
  • Gestion des crises - Crisis Management
  • State Building
  • Conférences Professionnelles
  • Langue étrangère
  • Early Warning Systems
  • Modelling strategic behaviour

Optionnel - 3 ECTS

  • Conflits sociaux et organisations
  • Research Methods
  • SPOC SIGMA - Managing ODD

Obligatoire - 18 ECTS

  • Advanced Decision Analysis, Game Theory
  • Enjeux justice transitionnelle
  • Les crises environnementales au XXIè siècle
  • PSL Week CIENS
  • Stage/mémoire - Internship/Thesis

Optionnel - 12 ECTS

  • Economie des migrations internationales
  • Politique comparée
  • Traitement juridique des conflits armés
  • Research in Conflictual Political Contexts. Ethics and Methodology
  • Humanitarian Project Management
  • Genre, conflits armés, post-conflit

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

This track consists of 394 hours of classes taken between the months of September and June. 50% of courses are taught in English.

Students spend the first semester (S3) taking courses and the second semester (S4) doing an internship and writing their thesis.

For the internship, students must prepare a report consisting of (a) an account of what they did during the internship and how it went, (b) an in-depth exploration of a topic that interested them during the internship.
For the thesis, students consult with their advisor to design a research project that pertains to the disciplines and subjects they have explored over the course of their Master’s degree.

Internships and Supervised Projects

The program is connected to a network of organizations, NGOs, administrations, and businesses that offer internship opportunities to students. Students are also encouraged to seek out their own internship opportunities. The six-month internship is full-time and normally takes place between April and October so that it is completed before theses are defended in late October and before the graduation ceremony in late November.