An International Outlook
1 - Option to spend the 2nd semester abroad.
Students will take Law courses that the University has recognized as equivalent through signed agreements. Once their admission has been confirmed in July, students have to select the university they wish to go to. In September/October, students then have to select the courses or seminars they wish to take.
Students who are eligible to study abroad will sign a learning contract with the Program Directors, who must approve their choice of courses at the host university. Upon approval by the Program Directors, grades obtained during the semester abroad will be converted to equivalent credits for the whole of the second semester. The courses taken at the partner university (and the grades obtained by the student) are listed on a separate transcript.
Subject to confirmation, places are offered at the following universities:
- Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires),
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Espagne),
- Madrid - Franscisco de Victoria (Espagne),
- Università degli studi di Milano (Italie),
- Universiteit Van Amsterdam (Pays Bas),
- Maastricht University ( Pays Bas)
- Singapore Management University,
- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften - ZHAW (Zurich),
- Queen's University - Faculty of Law (Canada),
- Kaunas - Vytautas Magnus University (Lituanie),
- Tillburg - Tillburg University (Pays Bas)
2 - 4 places are offered to Law students at the Dauphine rate, enabling them to take the LLM at the end of their Master’s Year, at Case Western University (Ohio) and Saint Louis University (Missouri). The selection process takes place at the beginning of the year, and is carried out on the basis of application packets.