Advanced Mathematics - Master's Year 1

Program Objectives

This track features a broad program offering that ranges from pure mathematics to applied mathematics, with a deeper focus on analysis and probabilities, along with courses oriented to other scientific disciplines. Students will receive individualized guidance aimed at helping them make the most of this extensive program offering. Courses are taught at PSL's various partner schools.

This program is intended to provide students with the following:

  • Reinforce a theoretical foundation in applied mathematics (statistical analysis, stochastic modeling, functional analysis, digital computation, etc.)
Types of education
Initial training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
Optional Internship
Type of Diploma
National diploma
Academic Year

A dedicated team


    Professeur des universités

    Responsable du parcours

  • Julien STOEHR

    Maitre de conférence

  • Secrétariat

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The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization