Mathematics of Insurance, Economics and Finance (MASEF) - Master's Year 2

Program Objectives

The MASEF (Mathematics of Insurance, Economics and Finance) track trains future high-level probabilistic mathematicians in mathematical techniques used in risk management and in economics. The balance between basic courses and those intended to be more practical provides students with a program allowing them to choose one of various specializations geared to academic research or industry positions with a strong quantitative component. The main job opportunities are in banking, but also include sectors requiring rare skills related to optimization in random and/or uncertain environments (energy industry, online auctions, etc.).

Program objectives:

  • Master the basics of optimization, decision-making, and risk coverage in uncertain environments with or without interactions.
  • Gain significant expertise in the use of digital and statistical tools, including machine learning methods.
  • Master advanced techniques in quantitative finance.
  • Acquire the perspective needed to adapt to change, whether in research or industry.
Types of education
Initial training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
20 weeks
Type of Diploma
National diploma
Academic Year

The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization

A dedicated team

  • Guillaume CARLIER

    University Professor

    Program supervisor

  • Paul GASSIAT

    Assistant Professor

    Program co-supervisor

  • Secretariat

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