Mathematics of Insurance, Economics and Finance (MASEF) - Master's Year 2


UE Obligatoires S3

  • A review of probability theory foundations
  • Stochastic Calculus
  • Stochastic Control
  • Monte Carlo and Finite Differences Methods with Applications to Finance

UE Optionnelles S3

  • Machine Learning in finance
  • Continuous Optimization
  • Valuation of financial assets and arbitrage
  • Game theory, applications in economics and finance
  • Macro-économiques et gestion de portefeuille
  • Computational methods and MCMC
  • Term structures: interest rates, commodities and other assets
  • Derivative products in finance and insurance

UE fondamentale S4

Bloc 1 : Apprentissage pour l'économie et la finance

  • Python/Pytorch project
  • Reinforcement Learning

Bloc 2 : Finance et gestion des risques

  • Gestion globale des risques : VAR
  • Microstructure des marchés financiers
  • Contrôle stochastique et marchés de l'énergie
  • Modélisation stochastique des courbes de taux

Bloc 3 : Economie et jeux

  • Mean field games theory
  • Variational problems and optimal transport
  • Managing nature : the case of Fisheries

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program starts in September and attendance is required. Some courses take place at ENS or the Sorbonne.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must complete an internship of at least four months duration in a company or research center. Students taking Independent Study are exempt.