Public Policy and Opinion - 244 - Master's Year 2


Cours fondamentaux - Obligatoire Parcours Recherche et Parcours Professionnel - 9 ECTS

  • Politisation et dépolitisation des problèmes sociaux
  • Enjeux environnementaux des politiques publiques

Méthodes Qualitatives - Obligatoire Parcours Recherche et Parcours Professionnel - 9 ECTS

  • Pratique avancée des méthodes qualitatives
  • Evaluation des politiques publiques

Méthodes Quantitatives - Obligatoire Parcours Recherche et Parcours Professionnel - 9 ECTS

  • Théorie des statistiques
  • Statistiques : mise à niveau
  • Analyse des données sur R
  • Analyse des données sur SAS

Langues vivantes - Obligatoire Parcours Recherche et Parcours Professionnel - 3 ECTS

  • Anglais pour les sciences sociales

Choix de Professionnalisation (1 à choisir) - Validation

  • Atelier métiers
  • Atelier mémoire et écriture en sciences sociales / Recherche

Obligatoires - Parcours Professionnel - 18 ECTS

  • Stage et mémoire de stage

Optionnels - Parcours Professionnel - 12 ECTS

  • Evaluer les politiques culturelles
  • Expertise internationale
  • Méthodes des sondages
  • Evaluer les politiques éducatives
  • Genre et action publique
  • Evaluer l’efficacité de l’Etat social

Obligatoires - Parcours Recherche - 24 ECTS

  • Mémoire de Recherche

Optionnels - Parcours Recherche - 6 ECTS

  • Evaluer les politiques culturelles
  • Expertise internationale
  • Méthodes des sondages
  • Evaluer les politiques éducatives
  • Genre et action publique
  • Evaluer l’efficacité de l’Etat social
  • UE Libre PSL ou un séminaire thématique du laboratoire

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

Students in the PPO program in the Master's in Public Policy receive personalized supervision, particularly in the context of their thesis and individual or group assignments. The program is known for its use of innovative teaching formats, such as workshops and public conferences, ethnographic interviews (like at OECD), discussion of disciplinary debates, professional role play, and skills workshops on statistical software and 4-page pamphlet design (see INSEE for examples).   All courses are taught by faculty members in political science and sociology at IRISSO/Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, who are specialists in their field, and visiting speakers working in civil service, at public policy evaluation firms, in local communities, and at renowned polling institutes.
This program consists of 300 hours of instruction, spread out between the months of September and February. The program offers two integrated training opportunities: a professional track and a research track.

To make space for the internship and field work that are central to the program, courses are concentrated in the first semester, over four days from Monday to Thursday. They are a combination of instruction in core subjects, methodologies, electives, and an internship or research thesis. The ""Free Credits"" are seminars that take place in the ENS Department of Social Sciences; at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, or at any PSL institution (to be confirmed by the program directors at the start of the academic year).

Students will produce an internship or research thesis and defend it in front of the program's instructors in June (for doctoral candidates) or October.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must undertake a stage of at least four months' duration between March and December. This internship is required for students pursuing the professional track and optional for those pursuing the research track.

During their internship, students will be asked to develop qualitative and/or quantitative surveys, advise national organizations or local communities, evaluate public policy, and conduct research in social science and politics.

At the end of their internship, students are expected to produce an internship thesis, a structured reflection on a research area in political social science that draws from their internship experience. Students will defend their thesis in front of at least two of the program's faculty members in June or October.

Professionals and external guest lecturers

Professionals and external guest lecturers


    Assistant to the head of the office of studies on teaching practices (Depp B4) - Doctoral student in economics (PSE - Université Paris-Saclay)

  • Christine Bernardeau

    HR consultant


    Sociologist, research fellow at the Institut national des études démographiques (INED)

  • Quentin Llewellyn

    Customer Service Director, CSA research institute


    Head of the Office of Studies on Teaching Practices (DEPP), Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport


    Director of Studies and Research, Social Innovation Impact Unit - CREDOC

Dauphine-PSL Faculty

  • Pierre-Yves Baudot

    Professor of Sociology

  • Samuel Bouron

    Assistant Professor of Sociology

  • Vincent Gayon

    Assistant Professor of Political Science


    Professor of Sociology


    Assistant Professor of Political Science

  • Alban Jacquemart

    Assistant Professor of Political Science


    Doctoral student in sociology

  • Dominique Méda

    Professor of Sociology, Director, Interdisciplinary Research Institute in Social Sciences


    Doctoral student in sociology (EHESS), ATER in sociology

  • Marjolaine Roger

    Associate Professor, English

  • Sabine Rozier

    Lecturer, Political Science


    Doctoral student in sociology (Université Paris-Saclay) ATER in sociology.

  • Elise Tenret

    Lecturer, Sociology