Economics and Societies - 300 - Master's Year 2


Cours fondamentaux

  • Fondements de la science des données II
  • Séminaire de professionalisation
  • Sociologie et Histoire des controverses


  • Organisation(s) alternatives
  • Advanced Economic History
  • Institutions de la monnaie et de la dette
  • Espaces, mondialisation et territoires économiques


Bloc options

Bloc UE libre


  • Stage

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of 250 hours of courses divided over two semesters. The program combines a core curriculum with research seminars and methods courses. 40% of courses are taught in English.

Very few classes meet in April and May, a period that is dedicated to the writing of a research project in the form of a thesis.

The thesis is an opportunity to conduct a research project that could become a first academic publication. It is worth 21 ECTS credits.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students may pursue an internship in a public research center or the research department of a private or public company.
The internship must be at least 2 months in duration.