Economics and Societies - 300 - Master's Year 2

Who can apply ?

  • Students who have completed a BAC+4 degree (a four-year degree worth 240 ECTS credits) or equivalent at Dauphine or another university, “Grand École” specializing in business or engineering, or another equally prestigious institute of higher education.
  • Students with a multidisciplinary background who have been trained in economics and at least one other social science.
  • Students whose fluency in English is the equivalent of a TOEFL score of 90.
  • Students with a ten-page research proposal, which they should attach to their application.
  • More generally, this program is open to students who have graduated from a one-year Master’s program in humanities and social science and to people whose professional experience could be VAE-certified.
  • It is also open to graduates of a one-year Master’s program in fields such as economics, management, law, sociology, anthropology, information and communication sciences, or engineering sciences after review.

How to apply ?

The admissions process consists of 3 stages:

  1. An online application
  2. Determination of eligibility for interview based on submitted application
  3. Interview with eligible applicants, followed by admissions decision

The application package must include a research project proposal of no more than 4 pages. The project proposal should state the research question, situate it in the literature, specify anticipated sources and methods, and cite the main references used.

When to apply ?


Apply on MyCandidature

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