Corporate Financial Management - 270 - Master's Year 2

Who can apply?

  • Students who have completed a BAC+4 degree (a four-year degree worth 240 ECTS credits) or equivalent at Dauphine or another university or institution of higher education
  • Students who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in finance or applied economics. Students who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in other subjects may be admitted, provided that they took courses in finance over the course of that year.
  • Prior training in Finance required (include in application materials)

The courses in finance should be of an equivalent level to those taught in the first year of the Master's degree in Finance at Dauphine.
Candidates should have therefore taken courses in corporate finance, financial analysis, and financial evaluation.

How to apply?

There are three steps to the admissions process:

  1. An online application
  2. Eligibility for interview is determined after reviewing the application
  3. Interview with eligible applicants, followed by admissions decision.

Candidates should complete an application form and a dossier detailing their career goals. Depending on their career goals, the student can choose to apply for an internship or international academic exchange in their second semester. Students must show how the time abroad will help find employment that aligns with their career goals.
Candidates will be selected after the committee reviews career goals, verifies fluency in a foreign language, and conducts an interview.

Tuition and financial aid