Corporate Law - 329 - Master's Year 2

Who can apply?

  • Students who have completed a BAC+4 degree (a four-year degree worth 240 ECTS credits) or equivalent at Dauphine, another university, a grande ecole specializing in business, an Institut d'Etudes Politiques, or another institution of higher education in one of the following disciplines: law, private law, private business law

How to apply?

The admissions process consists of 5 stages:

  1. An online application
  2. Write an essay about an assigned topic (to be shared in May)
  3. Eligibility for interview is determined after reviewing the application
  4. An interview with the co-directors (Professor Sophie Schiller & Professor Antoine Louvaris)
  5. An interview with program alumni

When to apply?


Apply on MyCandidature

Université Paris Dauphine | PSL

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