Corporate Law - 329 - Master's Year 2



  • Introduction to legal reasoning
  • European competition law
  • Conformité extra financière
  • Droit approfondi des contrats d'affaires
  • Droit Fiscal approfondi
  • Analyse financière
  • Contentieux public des affaires
  • Droit des Sociétés


  • Projet associatif /Clinique juridique/Article/Mémoire
  • Arbitrage international
  • Intellectual property
  • Fusions Acquisitions et Private equity
  • Introduction to Anglo-American contracts law
  • Fiscalité internationale
  • Droit boursier
  • Intégration du droit de l'Union européenne en droit des affaires 
  • Contrats et litiges transnationaux
  • Stage

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of 350 hours of instruction, spread over six months between September and March. Advanced courses in private law (Company Law, Business Contract Law, Stock Market-related Criminal Law) and public law (Public Business Law, European Contract Law, International Taxation, etc.). It also includes other courses to help students better understand the corporate world, perfect their reasoning skills, and improve their English legal vocabulary (Financial Analysis, General Accounting, Introduction to Legal Reasoning, Anglo-American Contracts…).

In addition to theoretical instruction, the program organizes a number of seminars and meet-and-greets with law firms to give students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the corporate world and network with a diverse set of professionals.

The Corporate Law program endeavors to provide its students with a high-quality education that is adapted to the demands of the various professions in which students may work in law firms, corporations, or public institutions.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must undertake an internship of least three months' duration in the period after April 1.
Note: Students have the opportunity to write a thesis instead of doing an internship.
