Consulting and Innovation in Management - 010 - Master's Year 2



  • Histoire du management et des organisations
  • Théories de la conception et management de l’innovation
  • Management des projets de changement organisationnel
  • Engagement et design de la relation collaborateur
  • Systèmes de gouvernance, éthique du management et RSE
  • Digital et management
  • Architecture des systèmes d’information et méthodes agiles
  • Travail en groupe et psychologie sociale


  • Approches et méthodes du conseil
  • Etude de cas en management
  • Learning expedition
  • Pratiques de management innovantes
  • Projets tutorés : missions réelles de conseil
  • Cycle d'interventions d'entreprises et contribution aux projets du master
  • Stratégie, innovation, design
  • Data, cloud, IA, innovation et numérique responsable
  • Stage
  • Mémoire

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of around 400 hours of instruction, spread out between September and June.

The program leaves plenty of space for students to partner with companies on projects, and offers numerous management and organization design workshops, role-playing scenarios, consultancy assignments, hackathons, etc. The goal of the program is to provide a holistic education in management that privileges an international approach.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must undertake an internship of least four months' duration.

The companies of the speakers