Marketing Research and Consulting - 102 - Master's Year 2


Obligatoires - 24 ECTS

  • Marketing et création de valeur
  • Méthodologies quantitatives 1
  • Projets tutorés 1
  • Design de la recherche 2
  • Théories des organisations
  • Consulting skills
  • Remise à niveau en statistiques
  • Qualtrics
  • Méthodologies qualitatives
  • Gestion financière et Marketing

Optionnels - 6 ECTS

  • Growth Strategies
  • Recherche en marketing 1
  • Atelier soft skills "Conseil"
  • Atelier soft skills "Recherche"

Obligatoires - 15 ECTS

  • Projets tutorés 2
  • Méthodologies quantitatives 2
  • Intelligence marketing
  • Modèles marketing
  • Stratégie, Marchés et Institutions

Optionnels - 3 UE à choisir parmi celles proposées - 9 ECTS

  • Méthodologie du conseil
  • New practices and methods research in the age of AI
  • Innovation
  • Recherche en marketing & Stratégie 2
  • Transformation des organisations
  • Mission value proposition design

Obligatoire à choix (1 à choisir sur les deux proposés - 6 ECTS)

  • Mémoire de recherche appliquée avec stage obligatoire
  • Mémoire de recherche académique

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The full-time program consists of 400 hours of instruction, spread out between September and April.

The program combines instruction on the use of quantitative and qualitative methods with deep knowledge of the marketing and strategy concepts necessary to any professional in this field working on the national or international level.

At the end of the program, students must complete a thesis in which they test original hypotheses or ideas against a research question, either academic or applied (to an internship). The conclusions should discuss potential implications or make recommendations, thereby contributing new theoretical, methodological, and managerial knowledge to the field. The student selects their thesis topic and presents it to their thesis advisor for approval.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must undertake an internship of six months' duration between mid-April and November.