Applied and Theoretical Mathematics - Master's Year 2

Program Objectives

The Applied and Theoretical Mathematics master is an advanced one-year training which prepares students for a doctorate in mathematics in one of the following fields:

  • Analysis of partial differential equations
  • Control and numerical analysis
  • Probability and statistical mechanics
  • Geometry and dynamical systems.

Our master is also adapted for students with a background in physics that aim at acquiring the key tools from analysis or probability for the mathematical modelling of physics phenomena : fluid dynamics, non linear physics, instabilities, chaos, turbulence...

This program can also lead directly to the job market : after graduation, our students can get into the industrial research and development sector.

We provide individual guidance aimed at helping each student to make the most of our extensive program offer and to find a suitable master thesis director. International students are very welcome. Most courses are taught in English and a full curriculum in English is possible.

This program is based in particular on the research teams in mathematics at CEREMADE (Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL), at DMA (ENS-PSL), as well as at the Ecole des Mines Paris-PSL , at the Paris Observatory-PSL, at the EHESS, and Collège de France.

The Master is part of the Graduate Program in Mathematics  at  PSL University, and it benefits from an exceptional environment for studying mathematics : in 2022, PSL University is ranked 10th in the Shangai ranking for mathemathics and 13th in the QS ranking.

Types of education
Initial training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
20 weeks
Type of Diploma
Diploma from a major institution conferring the Master's degree
Academic Year

The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization

The team

  • Eric Séré

    Professor - Dauphine-PSL - Program supervisor

    Research field: analysis

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  • Cristina TONINELLI

    CNRS Director of research - Program supervisor

    Research field: probability

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  • Ariane Corblet

    Administrative contact for international students

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  • Administrative contact

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