Program Year

Enseignements obligatoires

  • Droit international privé
  • Sociologie politique du droit
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Tort Law
  • Droit du travail
  • Droit public des biens
  • Droit public des affaires
  • Droit processuel public
  • Protection des droits fondamentaux

Enseignements obligatoires

  • Théorie Générale des Organisations Publiques
  • Droit de l'Union Européenne
  • Economie du droit
  • Atelier de plaidoirie
  • Contract Law
  • Finances publiques
  • Droit des contrats publics
  • Comparative Public Law
  • Droit international public
  • Développement durable - approche juridique
  • Comportement professionnel
  • Stage
  • Ressources humaines - Action publique

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

Classes are divided over two semesters, each consisting of 12 weeks of instruction and two weeks of review and exams. The first semester begins in September and exams occur at the start of January. Second-semester classes begin in January and end in mid-April; exams take place in May. There is a second examination session in June. Students take one clinic per semester (labor law in S1, advocacy in S2). This combined theoretical-practical approach allows students to quickly learn how to work independently and, if necessary, as part of a group.

The program only admits a limited number of students (around 40) and so offers no electives; all courses are required. Each course consists of a number of in-person class hours and related coursework such as oral presentations, homework, and continuous assessment. In certain classes, students are divided into smaller subgroups to allow for interactive, collaborative group work.
Courses in this program are taught in the unique Paris Dauphine-PSL tutorial style: there is no formal distinction between the theory taught and its practical application. Each instructor employs pedagogical methods that are designed to encourage students to participate in class and help them gain a deeper understanding of the material over the course of the semester.

Internships and Supervised Projects

The internship must be completed between the end of the second year of the Bachelor’s degree and seven days before the examination review panel meets in the first session in year 3 (usually, mid May). With few exceptions, students usually do the internship the summer before they start year 3 of the Bachelor’s degree.
For students who spent their first two years of the Bachelor’s degree in Law at Dauphine, the year 3 internship is in addition to that required in the first two years.

The following are accepted as equivalent to the internship when they are completed during the given time frame:

  1. Full-time work for a period of four weeks;
  2. Part-time work contracts are for a minimum of 120 hours.

Students are not obligated to do an internship in a legal domain.