Business Consulting in Organization & Digital Organization - 128 - Master's Year 2.



  • Artificial Intelligence and the future of work
  • Innovative Project Management
  • Méthodologies Qualitatives de recherche
  • Intelligence Artificielle et Management
  • Design de la recherche en management et organisation
  • Théories des organisations : approches critiques et nouveaux tournants
  • Transformation du travail & Numérique (TTN)
  • Décision & accompagnement au changement
  • Devenir un consultant en management : les fondamentaux
  • Conférences / Club MBC / Séminaires / Voyage


  • Sociologie du travail, enjeux pour le conseil
  • Méthodologies Quantitatives de recherche
  • Mémoire
  • Apprentissage / Stage
  • Nouvelles pratiques de travail
  • Management financier
  • Approches alternatives de la stratégie d'entreprise
  • Architecture technologique : tendances et émergences
  • Voyage d'étude

Bloc obligatoire : Stratégies et Méthodes du Conseil Responsable

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of around 450 hours of instruction, spread out between September and June.

The year is structured on a rotational model, according to the following pattern:

  • From September to December: on campus
  • From December to April: at the workplace
  • From May to June: on campus

Students design and produce a research thesis based on their work placement over the course of the program. They write and defend the thesis in English.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in the initial training program must complete an internship of at least four months.