Supported projects

Since 2019, the Women and Science Chair has launched an annual call for research projects open to the entire academic community, with no restrictions in terms of discipline or methodology (field studies and monographs, modeling, empirical analysis, experimental analysis, etc.). Each year, up to 7 research projects are selected for support of up to €10,000. 

The projects supported cover all the themes of the Women in Science Chair. Particular interest is given to projects involving researchers from different disciplines (management science, sociology, economics, mathematics, etc.) and/or involving international analyses and comparisons.

Digital training to fight gender stereotypes and change the educational and professional orientations of women
Pilot project for a randomized trial

Marc Gurgand, Associate professor, Paris School of economics, director, J-PAL Europe, scientific coordinator of IDEE
Quentin Daviot, Research officer, J-PAL Europe laboratory
Marion Monnet, Lecturer in economics, Irédu-Université de Bourgogne, researcher, Institute of Public Policy 
Mathilde Sage, Phd student, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Georgia Thebault, Post-doctoral researcher, Sciences Po Paris

Gender disparities in vital signs monitoring with the integration of radar and ML: Extensive examination of radar data and recognition disparities

Julien Le Kernec, Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering, James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
Nour Ghadban, Fellow Researcher at the School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
Mostafa Elsayed, Ph.D. candidate, James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
Jonathan Cooper, Professor, The Wolfson Chair in Biomedical Engineering and a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair. University of Glasgow, UK

Ideal STEM Academic Worker: Navigating Gender Bias and Unravelling Gender Dimensions

Arianna Montorsi, Professor in physics, Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Mariya Shcherbyna, Research fellow, Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP), Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Information Activities, V. Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Greta Temporin, PhD student in Management, Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Luca Falzea, PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

Underrepresentation of women in scientific disciplines and careers: study of a historical example of the repeal of gender quotas

Georgia Thebault, Ph.D in economics, Sciences Po Paris 
Léa Dousset, PHD student, Paris School of economics
Julien Grenet, Research director, CNRS, associate professor, Paris School of economics, Deputy director, Public Policy Institute

Intersectional inequalities in online science dissemination

Orsolya Vasarhelyi, Assistant professor, Center for Collective Learning and Centre for Advanced Studies, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary
Ágnes Horvát, Associate Professor of Communication and Computer Science, Northwestern University, IL, USA
Julia Barnett, Ph.D. student in Technology and Social Behavior, Northwestern University, IL, USA
Luca Gallo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University, Vienna, Austria

Is inclusive science better science?

Renée Adams, Professor of Finance, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK
Jing Xu, Assistant professor in finance department, University of Technology, Sydney

How Female Representation Changes Science: Evidence from College Coeducation

Ashley Wong, Assistant Professor of Economics, Tilburg University, 2023- Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, SIEPR, 2022-2023, Fellow, Tilburg University, 2022-2023
Francesca Truffa,Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Delaware, 2024- Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2022-2024

Generating technological impact from scientific research: the role of women

Laura Toschi, Associate Professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, university of Bologna, Italy
Federico Munari, Full Professor of innovation management, university of Bologna
Herica Morais Righi, Adjunct Professor of innovation management, university of Bologna
Angelo Di Iorio, Associate Professor of computer science, university of Bologna

Women and Science: Trust my competence (not my gender)!

Valentina Rotondi, Lecturer and Researcher (70%), Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland; Associate Member Nuffield College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

The Roots of Gendered Behaviour: Insights from an Online Experiment with Secondary Education Teachers

Marion Monnet,post-doc researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined)
Philippe Colo, post-doc researcher, Duisbourg-Essen University. 
Etienne Dagorn, Assistant lecturer at University Paris 1

Women and science, gender inequalities in higher education and scientific careers. The examples of engineering and medicine in India

Odile Henry, Professor in Political Science, Paris 8 University, Scientific director of Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences (CSH), Delhi, India
Pradeep Choudhury, Assistant Professor of Economics of Education, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Aprajita Sarcar, postdoctoral researcher in the Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), Delhi
Seema Singh, Associate Professor in Economics & Head, Department of Humanities, Technological University, Delhi

Women in the Tech professions. Professional trajectory and collective mobilization of women 

Camille Dupuy, Lecturer in sociology, DySoLab, University of Rouen Normandy
Marion Flécher, PhD in sociology and postdoctoral researcher, Centre d’étude de l’emploi et du travail (Cnam)
François Sarfati, Professor, Centre Pierre Naville (CPN - Univ. Paris-Saclay, Univ. d’Évry & CEET)

African women and scientific publications: an empirical investigation

Aomar Ibourk, Head of Economics Department at Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
Zakaria Elouaourty,Post-doctorate at Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
Imane Elouardighi,PhD researcher at Mohammed V University, Morocco

The pandemic: a lever for more gender diversity in the digital sector (COViQUiTY)

Isabelle Collet, Associate Professor, Director of G-RIRE-University of Geneva, Switzerland

Social influences on emotional responses to STEM: Encouraging women to approach STEM through social-environmental changes

Enav Friedmann,Lecturer. Department of Business Administration, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

The making of female star innovators: a patent-based analysis of peer effects

Federico Caviggioli, associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italie 

"Les Cigales = girls + maths". Sociological study of secondary school girls on maths courses

Clémence Perronnet, Sociologist, lecturer in educational science (LIRFE, UCO), Université Catholique de l'Ouest, France

Do Women Overprepare? An Experimental Analysis

Christiane Schwieren, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Alfred Weber Institute of Economics (AWI), University of Heidelberg (UHD), Allemagne

Investigating Gender’s Effects in Medical Residency Selection in the United State

Charlotte S. Alexander, J.D. , Connie D. and Ken McDanielWomen Lead Chair, Associate Professor of Law and Analytics, Institute for Insight, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, USA

Gender role models and Internet standards development

Emanuele Tarantino, Professor, LUISS University, EIEF & CEPR, Italie

When science is a woman. Factors determining women's scientific careers in Poland (AMU) and Ukraine (CHNU)

Grażyna Gajewska,PhD, the Educational Studies Department, Adam Mickiewicz University, Pologne
Svitlana Shchudlo, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor of Drohobych                                                                         
Ivan Franko,State Pedagogical University, Ukrainian Educational 

Women Inventors

Agata Maida,University of Milan (PI) Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Method, University of Milan, Italie
Sabrina DiAddario, Bank of Italy

Women scientists in India’s R&D sector: Policy and institutional challenges

Saurabh Kumar,Centre for International Trade, Economics and Environment at Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International), Jaipur , Inde

Feminization of IT sector in Armenia: reasons and perspectives

Hasmik Gevorgyan, Professor of Sociology and Social Work, Yerevan State University Department of Sociology, Yerevan,  Arménie

A comparative study of gender inequalities in scientific publishing and its impact in career-building in Brazil and Argentina

Fernanda Beigel,Principal Researcher at CONICET and Full Professor of Sociology at the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza-Argentina) 
Mario Pecheny, Vice-president of Scientific Affairs CONICET, Principal Researcher and Full Professor of Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires-Argentina
Ana María F. Almeida, Titular Professor of Sociology and Vice-president of Academic Affairs at the University of Campinas, Brazil
Alejandra Ciriza,Principal Researcher at CONICET and Full Professor of Philosophy and Gender Studies at the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza-Argentina 
Marília Fernandes Garcia Moschkovich, Fellow, Research Assistant NUMAS/FFLCH, University of Campinas, Brazil

The gender-patent gap

Elvira Sojli, University of New South Wales , Australie

How to effectively address gender imbalances? A field experiment using randomised controlled trials

Jörg FrankeUniversity of Bath, Grande Bretagne

Confiance dans les experts selon le genre: une approche par l'économie expérimentale

Marie-Pierre Dargnies, Université Paris Dauphine - France

Exploring the nexus between choice of course, academic performance and career aspiration

Charlotte Wrigley-Asante,University of Ghana

Pitch perfect Evaluate the impact of a pitching game (“Little Boss”) on young girls’ self-confidence, assertiveness, self-conception and educational performance

Siri Isaksson, FAIR, Norwegian school of economics Norvège et Canada 
Clémentine Van Effenterre,Université de Toronto, Canada